
Fenêtre sur cour[s] : Italian Baroque Polyphonies

Fenêtre sur Cour[s]

around Geoffroy Jourdain

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At the turn of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, the rich repertoire of Italian madrigals is the territory of all innovations. The young singers and instrumentalists will present the work of 6 days of training within the walls of the abbey, supervised by Geoffroy Jourdain, musical director of the “Cris de Paris”. This course proposes to explore the poetic corpus of one of the main dramatic works of this period Il Pastor Fido by Giambattista Guarini. The place of the Italian language, its declamation and its theatricality is then at the heart of the new preoccupations and makes the madrigal the laboratory of the opera. In the form of sub-ensembles, young singers and instrumentalists present polyphonic madrigals all inspired by the work Il Pastor Fido: pages by Gesualdo, Marenzio, Schütz… and of course Monteverdi – almost his entire Quinto libro dei madrigali !

Les Fenêtres sur Cour[s]

Des rendez-vous toute l’année pour découvrir le travail en cours de musiciens et danseurs à l’issue d’une période de formation professionnelle ou d’artistes hébergés à l’abbaye le temps de préparer un spectacle
Gratuit, sur réservation

All dates

Saturday, October 28, 2023

Practical information / Ticket office

By phone:
01 30 35 58 00