What's new at Royaumont ?

Liqueurs at the abbey

Discover the liqueurs distilled from produce grown in the abbey’s Potager-Jardin in the bookshop-boutique.

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Royaumont artists on tour

Discover the many productions that Royaumont co-produces…

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The Foundation is recruiting

General secretary, maître d’hôtel, waiter/bartender, account manager… Find out what positions are available!

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Abbey built almost 800 years ago, Foundation created in 1964,
Royaumont invites you to discover this singular place, with multiple facets and activities:

Visit of the abbey & its gardens
Concerts & shows
Seminar & reception center
Table and hospitality

International Center for Music and Dance Artists

8 centuries of history

Entrez dans l'histoire
Did you know?

Saint Louis n’avait que 14 ans lorsqu’il a fondé l’abbaye en 1228.

Did you know?

À la révolution l’abbaye a été transformée en filature textile.

Did you know?

Pendant la 1ère guerre mondiale des infirmières et doctoresses écossaises ont transformé l’abbaye en hôpital militaire.

Did you know?

Un couple d’industriel a créé en 1964 la première fondation culturelle française à l’abbaye.

Entrez dans l'histoire

We never tire of visiting Royaumont. (…) And it’s the same shock each time.”

No need for Heritage Days to push to Royaumont,
a true haven of peace and culture 20 miles north of Paris
Le Monde

The park is conducive to the inspiration of artists as well as the serenity of visitors . »
historic residence

Staying at Royaumont is also a gastronomic experience. »
The Parisian

Early music, popular music, contemporary music, world music, there is something for everyone. »

They support us

Institutional public partners

Ministry of Culture and Communication (DRAC Ile-de-France)

Ile-de-France region

Department of Val d’Oise

Community of communes Carnelle Pays de France

Roissy Pays de France urban community

Municipality of Asnières-sur-Oise


Project partner

European Union – Creative Europe program

Patrons – pillars

Bettencourt Schueller Foundation

Daniel and Nina Carasso Foundation

Daniel and Nina Carasso Foundation

Great project partner

The Vareille Foundation

Patrons – major partner

Engie Foundation

Scpanor Leclerc movement

Sponsors – partners

Paris Airports Group

Art Mentor – Foundation Lucerne

Caisse d’Epargne Ile-de-France

Etrillard Foundation

Hermès Corporate Foundation


Sponsors – supporters

Cleo Thiberge-Edrom Foundation


Champagne Construction Renovation

French American Cultural Society

investment partner

Yves Rocher Foundation

Collective corporate sponsorship

Henry Goüin Committee

Individual donors

Association of Friends of Royaumont

Circle Saint Louis


france music


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