German baroque polyphony : Heinrich Schütz


Lionel Meunier

Lionel Meunier drew on his broad wealth of vocal experience and collaboration to form the vocal ensemble Vox Luminis in 2004. His thoughtful approach and passion for early and a cappella repertoire, coupled with his respect and innate understanding of singers, allows him gently to coax the highest possible standards from those with whom he collaborates. Also impassioned by pedagogy, Lionel Meunier and Vox Luminis regularly give master-class and coaching, as well as lecture on the late Renaissance and Baroque repertoire.
In 2013 Lionel Meunier received the “Namurois de l’Année ” award for culture (Citizen Of The Year – Namur province). He currently resides in Namur, Belgium.


  • 12 singers
  • 1 organist
  • 1 violone


Why is it that Heinrich Schütz, acknowledged as one of the greatest 17th century composers alongside Claudio Monteverdi, is less famous than his close contemporary from Italy? Is the reputation for a certain Protestant austerity frequently associated with his music really justified? Ten years ago Lionel Meunier and his ensemble Vox Luminis were transformed by Heinrich Schütz; and in this 350th anniversary year of the composer’s death, Meunier sets out to share his fascination and love for Schütz’s music. From quasi-solo work on smaller-scale pieces such as the Kleine geistliche Konzerte to the huge-scale polyphonic and poly-choral works, there will be detailed attention to tuning and to the German language and its rhetoric, without losing sight of the Italian influence at work in this music.
An in-depth approach to discover how, whilst respecting what is in the score, to let this music find its powerful and profoundly moving voice.


Selection via application

End of application
October 3rd 2021

20th january 2022 in Paris

12th to 17h july 2022
6 days – 42 training hours

Public presentation
The 17th of july 2022

La Fondation Bettencourt Schueller est le mécène principal du Pôle Voix et répertoire de la Fondation Royaumont.