
The performance workshop “Cantates françaises – Bernier, Les Nuits de Sceaux” offers an ensemble of singers and instrumentalists an exploration of the multi-part cantata and symphony in support of Les Nuits de Sceaux, a masterpiece by Nicolas Bernier (1665-1734). Composed for the pleasures of the Duchess of Maine and published in the last years of the reign of Louis XIV (1714-1715), this collection subtitled Concerts de chambre ou Cantates françoises à plusieurs voix, en manière de divertissements meslez d’airs de violon et autres symphonies avec la basse continueThis work is a testimony to a practice of salons at the crossroads of dramatic genres (spoken theater and opera…) that should be questioned. We will particularly ask ourselves what place should be reserved for the performer in a poetic-musical form such as the cantata, which combines theatricality, allegory and propriety. The artistic approach to this repertoire, entrusted to the soprano Claire Leffiliâtre and the harpsichordist and conductor Stéphane Fuget, will be complemented by historical and musicological insights – contextual elements, examination of sources, editorial questions… – provided by specialists gathered by Nathalie Berton-Blivet, Julien Dubruque and Thomas Vernet within the framework of the multi-year research project “La Cantate en France au XVIIIe siècle” (The Cantata in France in the 18th century) supported by the IReMUS, the CMBV and the Fondation Royaumont. The result of this interpretation workshop will be presented during a public presentation “Fenêtres sur cour[s]”.


Stéphane Fuget conductor
Stéphane Fuget has had an international career as a conductor in the most prestigious opera houses with conductors such as Christophe Rousset, Jean-Christophe Spinosi and Marc Minkowski: Vienna, Amsterdam, Brussels, Barcelona, Drottningholm, Sao Paulo, Châtelet, Théâtre des Champs-Elysées, Bastille, Toulouse, Strasbourg, Rennes, Bordeaux, Lille? At the CRR of Paris, he developed a class of vocal conductor and a class of baroque opera, unique in France, in which he staged numerous operas by Monteverdi, Handel, Cavalli, Cesti, Lully, Rossi, Grétry, Marais… In 2018, he created Les Epopées, a company with which he proposes a resolutely new vision in interpretation.

Claire Lefilliâtre singer
Claire Lefilliâtre is recognized as one of the best interpreters of 17th century music. She collaborates with numerous ensembles (Le Poème Harmonique, Les Nouveaux Caractères, The Holland Baroque Society, La Tempête, Les Epopées, La Fenice…) on many French and international stages (Opéra Comique, Opéra de Rouen, Opéra d’Avignon, Grand Théâtre d’Aix-en-Provence, Brussels, Amsterdam, Barcelona, Rome, Krakow, Moscow, Tokyo, New York, Buenos Aires, Beijing, Shanghai, Delhi, …). His curiosity also leads him to singular projects. Thus, the shows created for her by Benjamin Lazar; with Emily Loizeau, concerts of French song; with Aurélien Bory, a show created for the Avignon Festival; with the Oxalys ensemble in Mahler, Berio, Jongen; as well as the recording of Eugène Green’s film music (All NightsThe Bridge of ArtsThe son of Joseph). Claire Lefilliâtre is a singing teacher at the CRR of Aubervilliers-La Courneuve.


  • 6 singers: 3 treble, 2 bass, 1 treble
  • 8 instrumentalists: 2 violins, 2 flutes, 2 harpsichordists, 2 bass bow players


October 22 to 27, 2023
6 days, or 42 hours
7-hour day: 10am-1pm / 2:30pm-7pm, including a 30-minute break in the afternoon

Public presentation
Fenêtre sur cour(s) on October 27, 2023 at 6:00 pm

The participants formally commit themselves to follow the entire curriculum.


Pre-selection on file then audition

January 13 and 14, 2022 in Paris

Elements to be provided

For the application and selection process, you will need to provide the following:

  • letter of motivation
  • biography (imperative: 600 characters including spaces)
  • CV
  • picture
  • 1 or more video files related to the chosen course (please note that WeTransfer links will not be uploaded)

Closing date for applications

Sunday, November 14, 2022, at midnight

La Fondation Bettencourt Schueller est le mécène principal du pôle Voix et répertoire de la Fondation Royaumont.

L’association des amis de Royaumont soutient l’ensemble des formations du pôle Voix et Répertoire

La certification qualité à été délivrée au
titre de la catégorie d’action suivante :

Certificat Qualiopi Royaumont
(en téléchargement)